Many electronic projects comprise special equipment called breadboard that helps to make a connection between the peripheral devices or circuits.
It is a basic element for electrical and electronic engineering students that mostly used as lab equipment in colleges and universities. These are reasonably priced and allow you to do numerous operations with a great sense.
When you purchase breadboard, you must consider the factors like project budget, space allocation and the brand to choose for.
We spent hours of time on researching the various breadboards and fetch you the best 15 amid of all the available breadboards in the e-market or online sources.
It will definitely be a great start for teens or engineering students to learn the basic electronic components and circuit design.
Try out these 15 breadboard kits that have all the latest features with high-quality performance.
Let’s get started!
Top Breadboard Kits
Best Breadboard Kit Reviews
1. ELEGOO Super Starter Kit
Elegoo is a benchmark brand in consumer DIY electronics. With more than 200 pieces of components, the Elegoo breadboard kit is the highest cost performing kit in our list. With a high maximum voltage rating of 9 volts, the breadboard kit has great durability and is compatible with all open-source Arduino kits.
The following are the technical specifications of the Breadboard kit.
- 9 volts maximum voltage rating
- Multiple (over 200) components for various custom designs
Safe and secure in its packaging, the following are the list of main components provided in the kit.
- 1pcs UNO Controller Board
- 1pcs LCD1602 Module ( with pin header)
- 1pcs Breadboard Expansion Board
- 1pcs Power Supply Module
- 1pcs Joystick Module
- 1pcs IR Receiver
- 1pcs Servo Motor (SG90)
- 1pcs Stepper Motor
- 1pcs ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Board
- 1pcs Ultrasonic Sensor
- 1pcs DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Module
- 1pcs 9V Battery with DC
- 1pcs 65 Jumper Wire
- 1pcs USB Cable
- 1pcs Active Buzzer
- 1pcs Passive Buzzer
- 1pcs Potentiometer
- 1pcs 5V Relay
- 1pcs Breadboard
- 1pcs Remote
- 1pcs Tilt Switch
- 5pcs Button (small)
- 1pcs 1 digit 7-segment Display
- 1pcs 4 digit 7-segment Display
- 5pcs Yellow LED
- 5pcs Blue LED
- 5pcs Green LED
- 5pcs Red LED
- 1pcs RGB LED
- 2pcs Photo resistor
- 1pcs Thermistor
- 2pcs Diode Rectifier (1N4007)
- 2pcs NPN Transistor (PN2222)
- 1pcs IC 74HC595
- 120pcs Resistor
- 10pcs Female-to-male DuPont Wire
- 1pcs 130 DC motor
- 1pcs Fan blade
2. REXQualis Electronics Component Fun Kit
This electronics kit comes with more than 400 pieces of electronic components, the most on our list, allowing you to develop a wide range of projects. The kit includes all accessories including resistors, capacitors, sensors, LEDs, and connecting cables to help you get started with your projects right away.
The following are the technical specifications of this electronics component kit,
- The breadboard power supply has two power modes – Male to male USB power cable and a 9V 1A DC adapter.
- Contains 400 components for custom projects and designs.
- Different types of jumper wires to support all types of connections.
- Datasheet and tutorial can be downloaded from the brand’s official website.
All the electronic components are packed individually in a secure package and shipped in a sturdy box. Each component is labelled so that you can easily identify them. The different components that you will get in this kit are as follows,
- Power supply module
- Breadboard
- Solderless jumper wires
- Jumper wires
- Male to female dupont wires
- Male to make USB cable
- 40 Pin headers
- IC 74HC595
- Precision potentiometer
- IC 4N35
- Active buzzer
- Passive buzzer
- Photoresistor
- Thermistor
- Electrolytic capacitor 100UF 50V
- Button
- NPN transistor (PN2222)
- 100NF ceramic capacitor
- 22PF ceramic capacitor
- Resistor
- Multicolored LEDs
3. Elegoo EL-CP-003 3 MB-102 830-pin solderless PCB board kit
Elegoo pack solderless breadboard is very cheap but delivers a high performance. The kit contains 3 sets of the 830-point breadboard and a white ABS plastic body with the black printed legend.
This 630 pin breadboard provides 4 power rails and an adhesive tape makes easy for everyone to stick it on Arduino shield. The power supply allows you to reach the output point or the ground pin.
All these wonderful sources are packed in bubble cover of a cardboard box. The contents of the Elegoo breadboard kit are as follows:
- 830-point breadboard (3)
- Colored power rails and
- 2-sided adhesive tape
4. Freenove Solderless Breadboard Ultimate Starter Kit
This is one of the ideal starter kits that allows you to get familiarized with the different functionalities of programming languages. The starter kit is compatible with 3 programming languages – C, Python, and Java. Apart from this, you get 223 electronic components that allow you to develop up to 57 projects. You get detailed tutorials along with circuit diagrams and tested code for each project.
- Freenove’s ultimate starter kit has the following technical specifications.
- Compatible with 10 different Raspberry Pi models including 400, 4B, 3B+, 3B, and 3A+.
- 223 electronic components for developing 57 projects.
- 434 page detailed tutorials along with circuit diagrams of each project can be downloaded using the link on the package box.
- Can be programmed using C, Python, and Java.
Apart from the tutorials, the brand also has a reliable technical support team to solve all your queries. All the components are placed in separate compartments of a plastic box and then shipped to you. Below is the complete list of components you get with this kit,
- Red, green, blue, and yellow LEDs
- Led bar graph
- 7 segment display
- 4 digit 7 segment display
- LED matrix
- Resistor 220
- Resistor 1K
- Resistor 10K
- Potentiometer
- Capacitor 0.1uf
- Capacitor 10uf
- Push button
- Big push button
- Red, green, blue, and yellow push button cap
- Switch
- Vibration switch
- Keypad
- 1N4001 diode
- 1N4148 diode
- NPN transistor 8050
- PNP transistor 8550
- 2 x AA battery holder
- 9V battery cable
- Breadboard power module
- L293D
- 74HC595
- ADC module
- Active buzzer
- Passive buzzer
- DHT 11
- Thermistor
- Photoresistor
- Motor
- Relay
- Servo
- Stepping motor
- Stepping motor driver
- Joystick
- Infrared motion sensor
- Ultrasonic ranging module
- MPU 6050 module
- 12C LCD 1602
- GPIO extension board
- Breadboard
- Male to male jumper wires
- Female to female jumper wires
- Female to male jumper wires
- Pin GPIO cables
- General board
- Pin headers
- Female pin headers
- Resistor color code card
- Plastic box
5. Keywishbot Electronic Component Breadboard
This Keywishbot breadboard starter kit comes with more than 200 pieces of essential components required to design with base circuits. It is a cheapest and basic Arduino kit for beginners, which is compatible with various projects like Arduino development board R3, Raspberry pi, NANO, MEGA 2560 R3 and Arduino kit.
The following are its technical specifications.
- Jumper wires are available in various colors with greater flexibility.
- It has an external power supply of 3.3/5V
- More than 200 components for various custom designs
- The development board and instruction manual is not included. You can make connections as per your project requirement and generate outputs accordingly.
Keywishbot starter kit contain the following components that are enclosed in a cardboard box:
- 400 Holes Breadboard
- Resistors (10X100Ω, 10X220Ω, 10X330Ω, 10X560Ω, 10X1K, 10X2K, 10X4.7K, 10X10K, 10X20K, 10X51K, 10X1M & 10X10M).
- Capacitors
- 1N4007 Diode (10)
- Active Buzzer
- Passive Buzzer
- 10K Potentiometer (7)
- Photosensitive Resistor (5)
- 8550 PNP Transistor (5)
- 8050 NPN Transistor (5)
- IRF520 (2)
- RGB LED (2)
- Big Buttons (8)
- Big Button Header Caps (8)
- JQC – 3F (T73) 5VDC
- LEDs (10XRed, 10XGreen, 10XBlue, 10XOrange, 10XWhite)
- Small Resistor Card
- 40-Pin Header (2)
- 65 Jumper Wires
- 20Pin Female to Male Dupont Wire
- Project Box
6. REXQualis Solderless Breadboard
We have yet another starter kit from REXQualis. But unlike the previous kit, you won’t get a lot of electronic components in this kit. The kit comes with only 4 pieces in total. This is an affordable option with 2 400-point breadboards and 2830-point breadboards. The boards are made of white ABS plastic with Black Printed Legend.
- The kit comes with the following technical specifications,
- 830 tie point breadboard includes a 630 tie point ic circuit area and 2 x 100 tie point distribution strips
- 400 tie point breadboard includes a 300 tie point ic circuit area and 2 x 50 tie point distribution strips
- The breadboards are compatible with all 20 to 29 AWG wires.
- The breadboards are made of ABS plastic panels with tin plated phosphor bronze contact sheets.
- The breadboards operate at 300V and 3A to 5A.
As there is not soldering work involved in the case of breadboards, you can easily get started. The breadboards come with self adhesive tapes on the back to stick it on the arduino prototype shields. And as mentioned previously, you get only 4 pieces with this kit. They are,
- 830 tie points Breadboard (2 pieces)
- 400 tie points Breadboard (2 pieces)
7. Sunxeke Breadboard kit
Sunxeke breadboard is specially designed for using the GPIO pins on the motherboard and it can also plug in with 3.5-inch LCD display and other hardware devices. It is simple to hook up with GPIO products that are not used on LCD-screen.
With the use of T-type expansion and breadboards in the kit makes convenient for the users to design electronic projects. It is much suitable for raspberry pi boards to work.
User’s hand guide is provided along with the kit that explains the working of electronic devices and the source code. Be noticed, Raspberry Pi motherboard is not included in the kit.
Sunxeke breadboard kit contents are as follows:
- 2mm/0.08in
- 5mm/0.19in
- 7mm/0.27in
- 10mm/0.39in
- 12mm/0.47in
- 17mm/0.67in
- 20mm/0.78in
- 22mm/0.86in
- 25mm/0.98in
- 50mm/1.96in
- 75mm/2.95in
- 100mm/3.93in
- 125mm/4.92in each 40Pcs
- 1 x Tweezer
- 1 x 830 Tie Points Breadboard
- 2 x 400 Tie Points Breadboards.
8. eBoot 3 400-point solderless circuit breadboard with 65 M/M jumper wires
This kit contains 3 sets of 400-pin solderless breadboards with 65 M/M jumper wires.
As the breadboard is made up of ABS plastic material, each column and row of it has respective numbers and letters to handle the task without any effort. It also has an adhesive tape at the back to stick effectively to the walls or other media.
Jumper wires that have good conductivity are available in different colors and sizes with possible lengths of 4-inch, 6-inch, 8-inch and 9.5-inches.
After designing a circuit using a breadboard, simply plug and play. It is compatible with Arduino, raspberry pi and other electronic projects. The jumper wires are very easy to set up on the breadboard.
Package includes the following:
- 400-pin solderless breadboard (3) and
- 65 M/M flexible jumper wires in different sizes 4 (49), 6 (8), 8 (4) and 9.5-inches (4).
9. Makeronics Breadboard kit
The package contains 1 pieces contains 3220-pin breadboards and 65 jumper wires for making electrical and electronic projects. Solderless breadboard made with ABS material is fixed on a smooth surface with tape at the back and jumper wires are mostly suitable for setting up a circuit or DIY projects.
The multi-colored wires are made of copper which is 20cms length each of total 65.
No instruction manual will be provided to you and the specifications for both the breadboard and jumper wires are given below:
Package includes the following:
- 3220 Test Points
- 4 Binding Posts
- 140 U-shape 0.6mm
- 7 Power Lanes
- 65 Pack Jumper Wires Kit
- Tie-point 700
- 4 Double Strips
- Tie-point 2520
10. Smraza Basic Starter Kit
This is a versatile starter kit that helps you understand the basics of both Arduino and Raspberry Pi boards. As the Arduino uses open source codes, you don’t have to spend anything extra for your projects. The kit contains 234 commonly used electronic components to build a wide range of electronic projects. Besides, the datasheets and tutorials will help you to get started with your projects.
- The technical specifications of this kit are as follows,
- Compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi boards.
- 234 commonly used components including resistors, capacitors, and LEDs for all your DIY project needs.
- Data sheets and detailed PDF tutorials to help you get started with your projects.
- Open source Arduini programming allows you to access a wide range of source codes.
- Jumper wires and male to female dupont wires for connecting all the electronic components.
- Suitable for kids of 10 ages and above.
All the components are placed in a sturdy box to prevent any damage during shipping. The box also acts as a convenient and compact storage space. Here is a complete list of components you will get from this kit,
- Power supply module
- 65 Jumper wires
- Active buzzer
- Passive buzzer
- Precision potentiometer
- IC 4N35
- IC 74HC595
- Thermistor
- Photoresistors
- Pin headers (40pin)
- Buttons (small)
- White, yellow, blue, green, and red LEDs
- Resistors 10R/100R/220R/330R/1K/2K/5K1/10K/100K/1M
- Female-to-male dupont wires
- 400 tie-points breadboard
- Diode rectifier (1N4007)
- NPN transistor (2N2222)
- Electrolytic capacitor (10UF 50V)
- Electrolytic capacitor (100UF 50V)
- 22pf Ceramic capacitor
- 104 Ceramic capacitor
11. SunFounder breadboard kit RAB holder, 830-points solderless breadboard
The 830-point breadboard includes an area of 630-points in addition to 100-point distribution strips and 4 power railings. You can place raspberry pi, Arduino and breadboard for making fun projects.
To build such exciting circuits or projects simply plug them into the control board. The kit also contains LEDs and resistors. M/M jumper wires are available in different colors like red, blue and yellow of size 20mm.
Size of the breadboard is 200*135 mm. If you are a newbie and have no experience in assembling the hardware components, don’t worry follow the simple instructions given in the booklet. For designing such exciting circuits make use of the following components:
- Holder
- 830-Point Breadboard
- 65-Jumper Wires (1)
- 1kΩ Resistor (6)
- LEDs (6- red (2), green (2), yellow (2)) and
- Screws and nuts
12. TEKTRUM Solderless plug-in breadboard kit
Solderless breadboard kit is perfect for prototyping electrical and electronic circuits. It works well for both the raspberry pi and Arduino boards. It contains a 3220-pin breadboard with 100-point distribution strips and 14 power rails and 65 M/M jumper wires of different colors and lengths.
A standard pitch is provided for easy mounting, aluminum backplates, alloy pins and power connectors for high reliability. White plastic body is offered with printed rows and columns for marking, understanding the connections. It allows you to perform specific tasks on a breadboard in all areas of electronic design applications.
TEKTRUM breadboard kit contains only 2 components, namely:
- Solderless 3220-points breadboard with dimensions (7.25*7.5*0.3 inches)
- 65 M/M jumper wires (1)
13. Microtivity IB401 400-point experiment breadboard
The breadboard and jumper wires make ideal for designing and testing the electronic components without soldering. It is perfect for new learners and hobbyists to get experience with the basic electronic concepts.
All the hardware parts can easily be put inside and take out. A white breadboard has a 400-point standard pitch with peelable tape at the back with dimensions 84*55mm and 20 M/M jumper wires for making your own DIY projects.
14. Elenco 9440 breadboard with 350 jumper wire set kit
Jumper wire set is enclosed in a transparent case with 12 compartments. It contains hand guide that allows the users to understand basic electronic concepts and design projects learn by doing approach.
Breadboard dimensions are 8.25*9.5cm long and the 20 cm jumper wires are available in Black, red, green and yellow color binding posts.
This Elenco breadboard item includes:
- Breadboard with 3220 point set and
- 350-jumper wire set
15. Makeronics 1660 Tie-Points Solderless Breadboard + Electronics Fun Kit
This Makeronics 1660 breadboard starter kit has everything that let you start crafting DIY projects. It comes with high quality solderless breadboard and jumper wires to set up installation process quickly and supply power to the project safely. It help you in completing projects like Prototyping Circuit, Arduino and Raspberry Pi.
The specifications for this wonderful starter kit are as follows:
- Input voltage 6.5 – 9V (DC)
- Standard On/off switch produce output power and safe to use.
- LED power indicator
- USB interface to power external device
- Output header pins for convenient external use.
Here is the list of components provided along with the kit:
- 1660 Tie-Points Breadboard
- 65 Jumper Wire
- Solderless Jumper Wire (140)
- Female to Male Dupont Wires (20)
- Power Supply Module (9V)
- 74HC595
- 4N35
- Precision Potentiometer
- Passive Buzzer
- Active Buzzer
- Small Buttons (10)
- Photoresistors (2)
- Capacitors (10)
- PN2222 (5)
- 40 Pin Header (2)
- Thermistor
- Diode (5)
- Ceramic Capacitors (20)
- LEDs (10X Red, 10X Green, 10XYellow, 10XBlue, 10X White)
- Resistors