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How To Get Free Likes On Instagram? (20+ Ways)

You spend time crafting the perfect caption, picking out the most aesthetic photo, and hitting that share button. But then… crickets. It can be frustrating to pour your heart into your Instagram content and see tumbleweeds rolling through your likes.

We’ve all been there. That’s why we created this guide to help you get free likes on your Instagram posts. Here, we’ll explore some strategies to organically boost your engagement and build a thriving Instagram community, all without spending a dime. Keep reading.

What Makes Instagram Likes So Important?

Instagram likes may seem like a simple measure of popularity, but they carry a lot of weight on the platform. They go beyond just looking good, affecting how visible your posts are, how your audience sees you, and even how your brand is perceived. Let’s break down why likes are so important:

1. Social Approval and Influence

  • Getting a “like” on your post triggers a feel-good chemical called dopamine in your brain, making you want more.
  • People are influenced by what others like. If a post has lots of likes, we’re more likely to like it too, thanks to something called the bandwagon effect.

2. Boost From the Algorithm

  • Instagram’s algorithm pushes posts with lots of likes higher up in people’s feeds, making them more visible.
  • Keeping an eye on your like counts helps you figure out what kind of content your audience likes best, so you can make more of it.

3. Building Trust and Community

  • When people see lots of likes on your posts, they’re more likely to trust your brand or message.
  • Liking posts helps people feel connected to your brand, fostering loyalty and support

How To Get Free Instagram Likes? (24 Ways)

1. Hashtags: Boost discoverability by using relevant hashtags, e.g., #PhotographyTips.

Eg: For a photography post, use hashtags like #Photography101 or #InstaPhoto.

2. Tagging: Increase visibility by tagging relevant users or accounts in your posts.

Eg: Tag the brand of the camera you used in your photography post.

3. Compelling Captions: Write captivating captions to encourage likes and shares.

Eg: “What’s your favorite spot for sunset photography? Share below!”

4. Contests: Organize like-to-win contests to incentivize engagement.

Eg: “Like this post for a chance to win a free photography workshop!”

5. High-Quality Content: Share good photos, user-generated content, and behind-the-scenes glimpses.

Eg: Post stunning landscape photos or behind-the-scenes shots of your photography process.

6. Account Takeovers: Collaborate with influencers for account takeovers, diversifying your content.

Eg: Have a renowned photographer take over your account for a day.

7. Timing: Post when your audience is most active to maximize engagement.

Eg: If your audience is active in the evenings, schedule your posts accordingly.

8. Memes and Trends: Incorporate popular memes and trends into your content for broader appeal.

Eg: Create a photography meme relevant to current trends.

9. Instagram Story Sharing: Share your posts to your Instagram Story for increased visibility.

Eg: Share your latest photo post to your Story with a swipe-up link for easy access.

10. Collaboration: Partner with other creators for cross-promotion.

Eg: Team up with a fellow photographer for a joint Instagram Live session.

11. Engage Beyond Your Feed: Interact with users beyond your feed by liking and commenting on their posts.

Eg: Engage with posts under relevant photography hashtags.

12. Valuable Content: Share useful information that adds value to your audience’s lives.

Eg: Share photography tips and techniques in your posts.

13. Competitor Analysis: Analyze competitor strategies and adapt similar tactics.

Eg: Observe which types of photography posts get the most engagement from competitors.

14. Location Tagging: Increase post visibility by tagging your location.

Eg: Tag the location of the picturesque landscape you captured in your photo.

15. Audience Engagement: Respond to comments and messages to foster community engagement.

Eg: Reply to comments with further insights about your photography process.

16. Follow Back: Show appreciation by following back your followers.

Eg: Follow fellow photography enthusiasts who engage with your content.

17. Similar Content Accounts: Follow accounts with similar content to network and potentially gain reciprocal likes.

Eg: Follow accounts sharing photography tips and inspiration.

18. Visual Appeal: Include visually appealing images and videos relevant to your audience’s interests.

Eg: Post a time-lapse video of a beautiful sunset you captured.

19. Posting Patterns: Maintain a consistent posting schedule or theme to keep your feed engaging.

Eg: Post a new photo every Monday and Thursday with a consistent editing style.

20. Questioning Engagement: Encourage interaction by asking questions or seeking opinions.

Eg: Ask your audience to vote for their favorite photo composition in a carousel post.

21. Content Variety: Experiment with different content types to keep your feed dynamic.

Eg: Share a mix of landscape photos, portrait shots, and behind-the-scenes videos.

22. Avoid Filters: Opt for minimal editing to maintain authenticity.

Eg: Post raw, unfiltered photos showcasing the true essence of your subject.

23. Stay Trendy: Incorporate current trends into your content to stay relevant.

Eg: Participate in popular photography challenges or trends.

24. Cross-Promotion: Link your Instagram to other platforms to attract diverse followers.

Eg: Share your Instagram handle on your photography website and other social media profiles.

Websites and Apps To Get Free Instagram Likes

There are several websites and apps designed to help users gain free Instagram likes, often targeted at different device platforms like desktops, Android, and iPhones. Here’s a breakdown:

1. Desktop

  • Buy Instagram Followers: This service lets you buy followers for your Instagram account. Having more followers makes your account look more credible and popular, which can attract more likes to your posts.
  • Famoid: Known for selling social media services, it might offer free trials or packages to increase visibility.
  • Viralyft: Viralyft offers social media services, including Instagram likes. You can buy likes for your Instagram posts to increase visibility and engagement.
  • InstaFollowers: Provides various social media services including Instagram likes. Typically, these services involve some level of interaction or exchange.
  • MegaFamous: Offers services to boost Instagram engagement, which might include free trials for likes to attract potential customers.
  • MrPopular: Sells a variety of social media engagement tools, including likes and follows, with possible free or trial offerings.
  • Poprey: Another service providing social media enhancement tools, possibly including trial offers for likes.

2. Android Apps

  • Like4Like: An app where users can exchange likes with each other, operating on a give-to-receive basis.
  • Real Followers & Likes via Tag: Helps users find followers and likes based on using effective hashtags.
  • Likes For Insta: Likely offers like exchange or similar strategies to enhance Instagram engagement.
  • Real Followers & Likes: Similar to the above, with a focus on gaining followers and likes through engagement strategies.

3. iPhone Apps

  • InPlan: Provides planning tools or engagement strategies to increase likes and follows.
  • Followers and Likes Insta Boost: Aims to boost a profile’s visibility and engagement through followers and likes.
  • Tag Likes For Insta: Focuses on increasing likes through targeted hashtag usage.


Using these services should be approached with caution:

  • Instagram’s Terms of Service: Instagram has strict rules against inauthentic behavior and engagement tactics that involve buying likes or follows, which can lead to penalties including account suspension.
  • Security Risks: Providing your account details to third-party services can pose security risks.
  • Long-term Impact: Artificially boosting likes may not lead to meaningful or lasting engagement that genuinely benefits your brand or influence.

How Do I Increase My Instagram Likes In A Genuine Way?

  • Post-Quality Content: Share eye-catching photos and videos to captivate your audience.
  • Use Relevant Hashtags: Research and include hashtags that match your content to reach more users interested in similar topics.
  • Write Compelling Captions: Craft captions that grab attention and encourage interaction, whether they’re informative, emotive, or intriguing.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments and messages, and interact with your followers’ posts to build relationships.
  • Post Consistently: Stick to a regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and maintain visibility in their feeds.
  • Encourage Engagement: Prompt your followers to like, comment, and share your posts by asking questions, running polls, or hosting giveaways.
  • Collaborate with Others: Partner with influencers or brands in your niche for shoutouts or collaborations to reach new audiences.
  • Optimize Posting Times: Experiment with different posting times to find when your audience is most active and likely to engage.
  • Utilize Instagram Features: Make use of Stories, Reels, IGTV, and carousel posts to diversify your content and attract more attention.
  • Stay Authentic: Be genuine in your interactions and content to build trust with your audience and encourage them to engage with your posts.

Why Should You Seek Free Likes on Instagram?

  • Increased Visibility: More likes mean your posts are more likely to be seen by a larger audience.
  • Social Proof: ​Likes on your content act as social proof, showing others that your posts are valued and liked by your audience. This boosts your credibility and can attract more followers.
  • Engagement Boost: Higher engagement, like likes, can lead to more comments and shares, fostering a sense of community among your followers.
  • Brand Awareness: Accumulating likes helps increase awareness of your brand, potentially attracting more customers or clients.
  • Networking Opportunities: Engaging with others and getting likes can lead to collaborations and partnerships with similar users and brands.

What Are The Advantages Of Instagram Likes?

  • Visibility: More likes mean your posts are more likely to be seen by others, boosting visibility in feeds and the explore page.
  • Credibility: Likes signal that your content is popular, enhancing your credibility and authority in your niche.
  • Engagement: Likes show appreciation for your content and encourage further interaction like comments and shares, strengthening connections with your audience.
  • Brand Awareness: Accumulating likes increases brand exposure, making your posts more visible to potential customers and boosting brand recognition.
  • Networking and Opportunities: A strong presence with many likes can attract attention from influencers and brands, leading to collaborations and partnerships.
  • Feedback and Validation: Likes provide instant feedback on your content’s quality and relevance, validating your efforts and guiding your content strategy.


1. How can you tell if someone has fake likes on Instagram?

Ans: Fake likes on Instagram are easy to spot. Real likes usually come from active accounts that comment and interact with others. If you suddenly get a lot of likes from empty accounts or accounts with few followers, that’s a warning sign. Also, keep an eye on how likes change over time. If they’re inconsistent, they might be fake.

2. Do hashtags increase likes on Instagram?

Ans: Hashtags on Instagram can get you more likes because they help more people find your posts. When you use hashtags that match what people are searching for, your posts are easier to discover, which means more people might like and engage with them. Just make sure to use hashtags that fit what your audience is interested in.

3. Are all likes hidden on Instagram?

Ans: Instagram now hides the number of likes on posts. Users can’t see the total likes, but the owner can still view them. This is to encourage a healthier online atmosphere by focusing less on popularity numbers.

4. How long do Instagram posts stay on the feed?

Ans: Instagram posts stay on your profile forever unless you delete them. They can be seen by your followers when they scroll through your feed. However, as time goes on, newer posts may push older ones down, so they might not be as easy to find. But you can still see them by scrolling down.

5. Is it better to put hashtags in comments or captions?

Ans: It all depends on what you want and what the platform usually does. Usually, hashtags go in the captions, which can help more people find your post. But some people prefer to keep the caption neat and put hashtags in the comments instead. Think about what your audience likes and how the platform works to choose the best option for you.


To get likes on Instagram, it’s not just about getting more numbers. It’s about making real connections and engaging with your followers. Post good stuff, use hashtags that fit, and talk to your followers. This will naturally get you to like and build a loyal group of followers. Quick fixes like online tools might seem tempting, but they can mess up your account’s authenticity. Focus on chatting with your audience and giving them cool stuff. This way, you’ll get more likes and become a bigger deal on Instagram in a real way.

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